How to Setup/Use Custom Schemes
Follow these instructions to use custom paint schemes with NASCAR09®. Custom schemes are only compatible with the XBOX 360® and PlayStation 3® versions of the game. Files are to be distributed at no profit to this site or their producer. Once you know how to load custom schemes, choose from the following:
Main - 2010 Schemes - 2009 Schemes - 2008 Schemes - Retro Schemes - Fictional Schemes
Important! Before downloading any schemes, please be sure to register an active user account at EA Sports World®. To do so, please click on the following link: EA Sports World® User Registration. Following your registration, make sure you link your PlayStation Network® username or XBox Live® ID to your EA Sports World persona. For instructions on how to accomplish this, please visit: Linking your Persona to your EA/EA SPORTS World® Account.
Now that you've successfully registered an account at EA Sports World® and linked it to your PlayStation Network® username or XBOX Live® ID, download and extract the .zip files to your computer. The enclosed custom car files are in DDS format. Next, from your computer, sign into your EA Sports World account and click on the NASCAR tab at the top. Then click on the NASCAR 09® paint booth on the right. When the window pops up, click on uploads on the bottom. Now name each scheme (ie: mello) and select 'Sprint Cup series.' Then find the directory you saved the DDS file(s), select your PSN or XBox persona, and upload the file(s) to your locker. Do this for each scheme. Once they are all uploaded, start up the game and go to YOUR GARAGE > then select PAINT BOOTH. Be sure to select 'Sprint Cup series.' While in the paint booth, follow the key menu at the bottom of the screen to enter your EA® locker. Make sure you select 'YES' to agree with the terms of service. You should then see your uploaded schemes within your locker.
Selecting each custom scheme from your locker will bring up a menu with the following:
DOWNLOAD: Selecting this option will save each car scheme on your PlayStation 3® or XBox 360® hard drive. This is required to be able to use all custom schemes. You will see the car within the paint booth change to the selected scheme after each download is complete.
MAKE PRIVATE: Paint schemes will be set to 'public' by default. This means players online can search and download 'public' schemes from your personal locker. Making them private will prohibit this. Furthermore, when 'private,' players online will still be able to see your schemes!
EDIT DESCRIPTION: This feature allows you to change the displayed name of the selected content within your locker. This allows you to change saved names to lowercase and/or use numeric characters. This is something that the current paint booth on EA Sports World® does not allow.
REMOVE CONTENT: Deletes the selected scheme (or other
content) from your locker. Removing content from your locker does
not effect saved data from your hard drive. To properly delete
content from your console hard drive, you must do so manually. Paint
schemes that are removed from your locker, yet still accessible from
your hard drive, can still be used in the game. However, these
schemes can not be seen by players you meet online.
Now that you've downloaded all schemes to your console hard drive,
to load each scheme from now on, select 'New/Load Car' from within
your paint booth then select 'LOAD' to change schemes. You can also
do this in game when prompted to select a driver. Just select your
custom driver and press the corresponding button for 'Load Car' at
the bottom of the screen.
Important tip! For players you encounter during online play to see your custom schemes, you must add him/her to your friends list!
Well, that's it! Be sure to send a PS3/XBOX friend request to
PettyFansNet. This will enable you to download new schemes from
PettyFansNet's locker to yours. As a friend, select the 'ONLINE'
tab, go to the MY NASCAR tab, then to EA LOCKER. Follow the key menu
at the bottom of the screen to access your friends' lockers to
download even more content like extra schemes, setups, and icons.
You can also message PettyFansNet online to request the latest
schemes. :)
Be sure to keep an eye out for new paint schemes every week at
Fans For RPM Message
Board. To make a request, please click the
contact link above. Have fun! :P